Congenitally Missing Permanent Mandibular Central Incisors and Maxillary Second Molars in Conjunction with a Supernumerary Mandibular Central Incisor
Vandana Dahiya, Neetu Gupta, Sukhvinder Oberoi, Charu Mohan Marya
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Dahiya V, Gupta N, Oberoi S, Marya CM. Congenitally Missing Permanent Mandibular Central Incisors and Maxillary Second Molars in Conjunction with a Supernumerary Mandibular Central Incisor. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2017; 11 (2):44-47.
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How to cite this article
Gupta N, Kadu A, Marya CM, Nagpal R, Oberoi S, Dahiya V. Congenitally Missing Permanent Mandibular Central Incisors and Maxillary Second Molars in Conjunction with a Supernumerary Mandibular Central Incisor. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2017;11(2):44-47.
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