Aim: With few literature providing a detailed knowledge of the role of nutrition on periodontal tissue, we aimed to provide an insight for the dentists on how nutrition impacts general and oral health and how dental treatment can impact the nutritional status of the patient.
Background: For human growth, development, and preservation of health, nutrition is crucial. The relation of oral and general health has been well known and well-studied in the past years.
Review results: Also, this review article explains how nutrition is linked to biofilm, host nutrition and immunity in periodontal disease, effects of nutrition on the immune response, role of nutrients in the wound-healing process. We have also explained the necessary periodontal screening parameters, the role of each nutritional aspect that affects periodontal tissues along with an emphasis on the newer concepts.
Conclusion: Nutrition plays an integral aspect that influences oral as well as periodontal health directly or indirectly.
Clinical significance: An in-depth knowledge of the influence of nutrition on periodontal aspect is a must for all dental professionals for a healthy clinical practice.
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