Gingivectomy for Surgical Exposure of Canine for Orthodontic Correction: A Case Report
Deeksha D Pai, Vandana Kangowkar Vijayapremakumar, Shobha Prakash
Keywords :
Case report, Esthetics, Gingivectomy, Orthodontic treatment need
Citation Information :
Pai DD, Vijayapremakumar VK, Prakash S. Gingivectomy for Surgical Exposure of Canine for Orthodontic Correction: A Case Report. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2023; 17 (3):102-104.
Objectives: The aim of this article is to provide an idea for interdisciplinary approach for surgical management of enlarged gingival tissue for orthodontic correction.
Methodology: A 21-year-old male patient referred to the Department of Periodontics for surgical correction and orthodontic treatment exposure of his palatally placed upper left front tooth. Surgical approach was carried out using external bevel gingivectomy technique using no. 12 blade.
Results: One week and 1 month revaluation of the patient revealed satisfactory results and healing of the surgical site with complete exposure of the crown on buccal aspect.
Conclusion: A collaborative approach between orthodontist and periodontist at the appropriate time is an important key for minimal visit and better periodontal result. Periodontal health is best restored without postsurgical complications in an orthodontic case if intervened at the right time.
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