Assessing the Knowledge Regarding Prevention and Transmission of COVID-19 among Dental Healthcare Professionals in India
Shiladitya Sil
Citation Information :
Sil S. Assessing the Knowledge Regarding Prevention and Transmission of COVID-19 among Dental Healthcare Professionals in India. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2021; 15 (3):139-143.
Background and aim of the study: The nomenclature of COVID-19 was given by the World Health Organization on February 11, 2020. As dentists work in close proximity to the oral cavity, they remain at a high risk of exposure to COVID-19. With this background, a descriptive, cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was planned to assess the knowledge regarding prevention and transmission of COVID-19 among dental practitioners in India.
Materials and methods: A self-validated, 28-point questionnaire was formulated after reviewing the international guidelines and circulated through the Google Forms platform. Data were studied to establish a baseline.
Results: A total of 200 dental practitioners participated. Most of them had adequate knowledge regarding symptoms and transmission of COVID-19, directly proportional to higher degree and years of practice. There was adequate knowledge regarding sterilization protocols, disinfection techniques, and elective procedures with an overall score of 77.4%. There was poor understanding of emergency dental procedures and patient and personnel screening. Indian dental practitioners were found to have adequate understanding of COVID-19 that is the need of the hour to break the chain of transmission.
Conclusion: There is a need to generate a set of guidelines and treatment protocols approved by national dental associations for the systematic functioning of dental practitioners in India.
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