Journal of Oral Health and Community Dentistry

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VOLUME 7 , ISSUE 1 ( January-April, 2013 ) > List of Articles


Awareness of Bio-medical Waste Management Among Dental College and Hospital Employees-A Panoramic View

S Bala, A Narwal

Citation Information : Bala S, Narwal A. Awareness of Bio-medical Waste Management Among Dental College and Hospital Employees-A Panoramic View. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2013; 7 (1):1-7.

DOI: 10.5005/johcd-7-1-1

License: NA

Published Online: 01-06-2015

Copyright Statement:  NA


The Bio-medical waste (Management and handling) Rules 1988 lay down clear methods for disposal of bio-medical waste, defined as “any waste generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human beings or animals or in research activities used in the production or testing of biologicals.”

The current scenario in the country reveals partial or no segregation at the time of generation, which at times is done by the contractors, or the rag pickers. However, the improper practice of segregation at the site of origin has been observed which causes mixing of infectious and non-infectious waste. A study was therefore, conducted to understand the awareness amongst the employees as regards to Bio-Medical Waste (BMW) Management practices, policies and to assess their attitude towards it, in a premier tertiary level research and referral Institute in Haryana (India).

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