Enamel Hypoplasia and its Correlation with Dental Caries In School Children of Bagalkot, Karnataka
RS Puranik, Jose Joy Idiculla, VR Brave, S Vanaki
Citation Information :
Puranik R, Idiculla JJ, Brave V, Vanaki S. Enamel Hypoplasia and its Correlation with Dental Caries In School Children of Bagalkot, Karnataka. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2011; 5 (1):31-36.
To study the prevalence and correlation of Enamel Hypoplasia and Dental caries among school children aged 6-15 years in Bagalkot, Karnataka.
Materials and Methods
5500 school children aged 6-15 years from different schools in Bagalkot were examined with mouth mirror and probe under natural light. The findings were entered into standard examination forms.
Out of 5500 school children between the age of 6 - 15 years, 507 (9%) had carious teeth with hypoplasia with a mean of 3.1 carious teeth per child. In 5500 children 1987 (41%) had carious teeth without enamel hypoplasia with a mean of 1.39 decayed teeth per child and this shows that the prevalence of caries in hypoplastic teeth was evident and was statistically significant.
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