Periodontal Vaccine: A New Paradigm for Prevention of Periodontal Diseases
Nitin Khuller
Citation Information :
Khuller N. Periodontal Vaccine: A New Paradigm for Prevention of Periodontal Diseases. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2010; 4 (Spl):23-28.
Vaccination is a process that induces specific immune resistance to a bacterial or viral infectious disease. Vaccines have prevented several infectious diseases for many years, and are still being investigated. In late eighteenth century, Edward Jenner developed and established the principle of vaccination using the cross protection conferred by cowpox virus, which is non pathogenic in humans.
Regarding a vaccine against the periodontal disease, the complexity of the periodontopathic bacteria might be a problem in determination of Antigens. Among some 300 species of bacteria involved in subgingival plaque, 5-7 species have been implicated in the etiology of periodontitis but one or two species; P.gingivalis or B. forsythus might play an important role as primary pathogens.
Vaccination accomplished can be active immunization, passive immunization or DNA vaccination, made from the antigenic epitopes in periodontopathic bacteria. In light of the increasing evidence that periodontitis significantly increases risk for potentially fatal diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke and complications from diabetes mellitus a successful vaccine for periodontitis could have health benefits far exceeding the prevention of periodontitis.
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