The following recommendations are based on the evidence gathered: 1. Sealants should be placed on all permanent teeth without cavitation (i.e., teeth that are free of caries, teeth that have deep pit and fissure morphology, teeth with “sticky” fissures or teeth with stained grooves) as soon after eruption as isolation can be achieved. 2. Sealants should not be placed on partially erupted teeth or teeth with cavitation or caries of the dentin. 3. Sealants should be placed on the primary molars of children who are susceptible to caries (i.e., those with a history of caries). 4. Sealants should be placed on first and second molars within 4 years after eruption. 5. Resin-based sealants should be preferred, until such time as glass ionomer cements with better retention capacity are developed. 6. Sealants should be placed as part of an overall prevention strategy based on assessment of caries risk. Sealing is a recommended procedure to prevent caries of the occlusal surfaces of permanent molars. Though the effectiveness of sealants is obvious at high caries risk groups there is still some degree of latitudein operators preference for sealant placementand material selection.
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; Chopra, R. The effect of fissure morphology and eruption time on penetration and adaptation of pit and fissure sealants: An SEM study. J Indian Soc Pedod Prevent Dent 2008:59–63 COPYRIGHT 2008 Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd. This material is published under license from the publisher through the Gale Group, Farmington Hills, Michigan. All inquiries regarding rights should be directed to the Gale Group. (Hide copyright information)
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