VOLUME 16 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2022 ) > List of Articles
Harish Kumar
Keywords : Dental caries, Dental education program, DMFT/DMFS, School children
Citation Information : Kumar H. Effectiveness of Dental Education Program on Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Dental Caries and Its Management among School Children from Selected Schools of Kolar. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2022; 16 (3):119-125.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10062-0148
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 23-03-2023
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2022; The Author(s).
This study was conducted at schools to investigate the prevalence of dental caries and effect of dental education programs on knowledge and attitude regarding dental caries and its management among school children. An evaluative research approach with one-group pre- and post-test design was adopted to collect data. The prevalence of dental caries was determined using the decayed, missing, filled teeth (DMFT)/decayed, missing, filled surface (DMFS) index using the World Health Organization criteria 1997. After obtaining ethical clearance and permission from authorities, children were subjects for dental screening. Mouth mirror, probe, and explorer were used for carrying out the dental examination in the classroom under natural light with the children seated on a stool, followed by administration of dental education program. The prevalence of dental caries among government and private school students is 31 (77.5%), mean DMFT scores are 2.47 with a standard deviation of 2.184, and their mean DMFS scores are 5.38 with a standard deviation of 6.436. Majority of 31 (77.5%) school children were with dental caries and 9 (22.5%) with no tooth decay, the majority (100%) of school children had insufficient knowledge in pre-test, 10% of school children had adequate knowledge on dental caries, and the majority (100%) of school children had an unfavorable attitude toward dental caries in pre-test, 45% had a moderately favorable attitude toward dental caries. The difference in knowledge and attitude about dental caries and its management between post- and pre-test scores among school-aged children was statistically significant. The study's findings may be utilized to organize a school-based dental program for children and their parents to practice routine oral hygiene and get frequent dental checkups, allowing them to lead a healthier life.