Management of Mucous Extravasation Cyst: A Report of Two Cases
Kempaiah S Madhusudhan, N Priyanka Reddy, Priya Subramaniam, Bhargavi Vojjala
Keywords :
Extravasation, Minor salivary glands, Oral mucocele, Retention cyst
Citation Information :
Madhusudhan KS, Reddy NP, Subramaniam P, Vojjala B. Management of Mucous Extravasation Cyst: A Report of Two Cases. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2022; 16 (2):113-117.
Mucocele is the most common oral lesion of the minor salivary glands in children and young adults. An 8-year-old male child and a 9-year-old female child presented to our department with a chief complaint of swelling in the inner aspect of the lower lip. On clinical examination, the swelling was fluctuant. Excisional biopsy of the lesion was performed. Histopathological reports confirmed the diagnosis of mucocele. Good prognosis was observed at follow-up.
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