Use of Preformed Space Maintainer and Regainer in an 8-year-old Child: A Case Report
Vinita Goyel, Tanya Batra, Shivani Mathur
Keywords :
Child oral health impact profile, Dental caries, Pediatric dentistry, Preventive dentistry, School children
Citation Information :
Goyel V, Batra T, Mathur S. Use of Preformed Space Maintainer and Regainer in an 8-year-old Child: A Case Report. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2022; 16 (2):110-112.
Exfoliation of primary teeth and eruption of permanent teeth is a normal physiological process. However, when this normal process is disrupted due to factors like premature loss of primary teeth, proximal carious lesions, etc., it may lead to mesial migration of teeth resulting in loss of the arch length, which can manifest as malocclusion in permanent dentition in the form of crowding. To preserve the wastage of arch length and perimeter by maintaining the relative position of the existing dentition, a space maintainer is fabricated after a premature loss of the primary tooth. The fabrication requires patient cooperation and multiple visits. In this case report, a prefabricated space maintainer and regainer were used in eight-year-old uncooperative child successfully. Follow-up was taken after 6 months which showed successful compliance of patient as well as maintenance of good oral hygiene.
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