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Nanditha S, Kumar MS, Kishor KS, Sosroseno W. Digital Radiographic Study on Variations of Alveolar Bone Height among Three Asian Ethnic Groups and its Importance in Periodontal Diagnosis. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2022; 16 (2):83-86.
Purpose: To assess whether anatomical variations exist in the radiographic distance from the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) to the alveolar crest (AC) among various ethnic groups in Malaysia, using digital radiography and if so their relevance in periodontal diagnosis.
Materials and methods: A total of 151 digitized bitewing radiographs of systemically and periodontally healthy students were obtained, after determining their ethnicity by a closed-ended questionnaire. Distances between the CEJ and the alveolar bone crest (CEJ–AC) were measured using a software program (Digora, DfW 2.5) by a single-examiner statistical analysis used: ANOVA and the student t test.
Results: The mean distance of the AC from the CEJ was 0.8147 mm across the entire sample, and the Chinese population exhibited the greatest distances compared to Malays and Indians. Sites that showed increased distances between the CEJ and AC were distal aspects of mandibular second premolars equating the total sample.
Conclusion: Among the three Asian ethnic groups, Chinese had a significantly greater distance between the CEJ and the AC. This finding might be influenced by genetic and environmental factors that entail further research in this direction and needs to be considered while diagnosing periodontal disease.
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