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Madeswaran S, Saravanan D, Rethinam S, Muthu K. Oral Mucositis: Role of the Dentist. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2019; 13 (3):106-111.
Oral mucositis is the inflammation of the oral mucosa that occurs as a side effect of cytotoxic cancer therapy. Though the condition cannot be prevented, steps can be taken to decrease the severity and for the desired therapeutic outcome of cancer therapy. The communication between the oncologist and dentist becomes vital for the patient benefit. A search of the resources through Medline and Google Scholar was made to comprehend the pathobiology, clinical characteristics, and various therapeutic methods related to oral mucositis. A total of 63 articles were chosen for reference, which mostly includes recent year review papers. After the final screening, 29 research papers were selected for the current study. Controlling the predisposing risk factors pertaining to the oral cavity and recording the baseline oral health status before the commencement of cancer therapy is crucial. Patients are counseled for proper oral hygiene routine, and lifelong follow-up.
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