Comparison of Reduction of Dental Plaque and Gingivitis between Herbal and Nonherbal Dentifrices and Mouth Rinses in Orthodontic Cases: A Randomized Single-blind Clinical Study
Bhagyalakshmi Avinash, Avinash B Shivamallu, Suma Shekar
Citation Information :
Avinash B, Shivamallu AB, Shekar S. Comparison of Reduction of Dental Plaque and Gingivitis between Herbal and Nonherbal Dentifrices and Mouth Rinses in Orthodontic Cases: A Randomized Single-blind Clinical Study. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2019; 13 (3):69-72.
Aim: The aim of this research was to examine the oral hygiene efficacy between herbal and nonherbal dentifrices and mouth wash in orthodontic cases. Materials and methods: The study was a single center, single blind, parallel arm, randomized controlled clinical trial with an allocation ratio of 1:1. The sample size was 40 participants, irrespective of sex. For all the participants, oral hygiene status was assessed at three occasions during the study. The first assessment of plaque index (PI) and gingival index (GI) was done before starting the orthodontic treatment (T1). In all cases, a standard preadjusted edgewise technique was used in both dental arches after full mouth scaling. Three weeks after the placement of the appliance, second scoring was done (T2). After the second scoring, the patients were divided into two groups, each group consisting of 20 patients. Group I—herbal dentifrice and mouth wash and group II—nonherbal dentifrice and mouthwash. 3 weeks after the use of herbal and nonherbal dentifrices, the third scoring (T3) was done. Results: Between T1 and T2, there was a significant increase in PI (p = 0.005) and significant decrease in GI (p = 0.000). At T3, no significant difference in PI or GI was found (p = 0.051). Conclusion: The present study has proved that there is no difference in the type of dentifrice, i.e., herbal or nonherbal for the effectiveness of oral hygiene. Both the types of dentifrice provided adequate oral hygiene maintenance. Clinical significance: More importance to the method of brushing should be given than the type of dentifrices.
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