Prosthodontic Management of Completely Edentulous Patient with Unilateral Facial Paralysis
Vivek Choukse, Raveena Makker
Keywords :
Facial paralysis, Liquid-supported denture, Neutral zone
Citation Information :
Choukse V, Makker R. Prosthodontic Management of Completely Edentulous Patient with Unilateral Facial Paralysis. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2018; 12 (1):31-36.
Rehabilitation of compromised patients has always been a challenge to the medical field. Prosthodontic management of completely edentulous patient with unilateral facial paralysis is a difficult task to accomplish. This requires alteration of conventional procedures.
This article presents a case report of a completely edentulous patient with facial paralysis of left side since 3 years. To enhance function and esthetics, a liquid-supported denture was planned for maxillary arch and neutral zone technique for mandibular arch.
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