Measurement and Evaluation of the Normal Range of Maximal Mouth Opening and Its Correlation with Age, Body Height, Weight, and Gender in the Young Indian Population
Keywords :
Age, Body height, Body weight, Children, Gender, Mouth
Citation Information :
Gulia J, Hooda A, Kumar A, Agarwal D. Measurement and Evaluation of the Normal Range of Maximal Mouth Opening and Its Correlation with Age, Body Height, Weight, and Gender in the Young Indian Population. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2018; 12 (1):14-19.
Aim: To measure and evaluate the normal range of maximal mouth opening (MMO) in young children aged 3 to 12 years from Indian population and to examine the possible influence of age, gender, height, and body weight on MMO.
Materials and methods: The assessment of MMO is accomplished with a modified Vernier caliper by measuring the distance between the incisal edge of upper and lower incisor during MMO up to the painless limit. Participants of the study were healthy children selected among regular students from local schools. Age, gender, height, and body weight of each child were also recorded at the same time.
Results: The results of the present study revealed that MMO in Indian children was 41.61, 44.9, and 46.81 mm for boys and 40.09, 44.22, and 46.2 mm for girls at age of 3, 4, and 5 years respectively. In mixed dentition, the MMO in Indian children was 46.04, 48.53, and 52.38 mm for boys and 45.95, 47.27, and 52.05 mm for girls at age groups of 6 to 8, 8 to 10, and 10 to 12 years respectively. Further significant associations were noted between age, height, body weight, and MMO. However, no gender difference was observed.
Conclusion: A definite relationship exists between MMO, age, height, and body weight in Indian children with primary dentition as well as in mixed dentition.
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