Synodontia between Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisor and A Supernumerary Tooth: Surgical Treatment Perspective
Seema Gupta, Mahesh Goel, Samir Dutta
Citation Information :
Gupta S, Goel M, Dutta S. Synodontia between Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisor and A Supernumerary Tooth: Surgical Treatment Perspective. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2007; 1 (3):52-55.
Synodontia or fusion is union of two independently developing primary or secondary teeth. In the case reported here, clinical and radiographic examination suggested fusion between maxillary lateral incisor and a supernumerary tooth with the resultant loss of eruption space for permanent canine. Since the teeth exhibited separate pulp chambers without any pulpal involvement, surgical separation followed by odontoplasty was done. Follow-up revealed the tooth to be asymptomatic and sufficient space for eruption of canine was created. The case report highlights the surgical management in case of fusion and timely intervention to prevent periodontal, endodontic and orthodontic complications.