VOLUME 1 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2007 ) > List of Articles
Tarunjeet Pabla, Aruna Ramesh
Citation Information : Pabla T, Ramesh A. Prevalence of Osteoporotic Changes in Panoramic Radiographs of Patients showing Carotid Calcifications. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2007; 1 (3):49-51.
DOI: 10.5005/johcd-1-3-49
License: NA
Published Online: 01-09-2012
Copyright Statement: NA
Atherosclerosis and Osteoporosis are two of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the western world. They share common risk factors and many studies suggest an association between arterial calcification and low bone mass possibly due to common etiology.(1-3) The aim of this pilot study is to study the prevalence of osteoporotic changes in patients showing evidence of carotid plaques on panoramic radiographs. Of the panoramic radiographs done on dental school patients from 2004-2005, 24 radiographs showing frank evidence of carotid plaque were selected and reviewed for osteoporotic changes using the criteria by White 95% of our study patients showed evidence of osteoporotic changes in their mandibular cortex. Given the results of our pilot study, it is important that dentists should screen for osteoporosis in patients showing carotid atherosclerosis.